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Sponsorship Levels
- Best Value
Whitemark Sponsor - $85/Month
85$Every monthWhitemark Sponsorship level is a VIP sponsorship to partner with Fox Tale Sanctuary assisting with the veterinary care and overall health of your fox. To cancel a sponsorship contact (440) 773-4567.Â- x1 - Sponsor Certificate commemorating your VIP status.
- x1 - 8x10 photo of your fox to proudly display in your home.
- In-person or video visit with your fox after 6 months
- Exclusive insider information about our rescue efforts.
- Email updates, get ongoing emails from us.
- Tagged in all social posts of your sponsored fox.
Platinum Sponsor - $65/Month
65$Every monthYou will be helping to support their daily needs (raw meat, fruits, kibble & treats), and more. To cancel a sponsorship please contact us at (440) 773-4567 orÂ- x1 - Sponsor Certificate commemorating your Platinum level.
- x1 - 8x10 photo of your fox to proudly display in your home.
- Email updates letting you know how your fox is doing.
- Tagged in all posts of your sponsored fox.
Silver Sponsor - $45/Month
45$Every monthYou will be helping with the overall safety and well being of one of the foxes at Fox Tale Sanctuary. To cancel a sponsorship please contact us at (440) 773-4567 orÂ- 1x - Sponsor Certificate commemorating your Silver level.
- 1x -5 x 7 photo of your fox to proudly display in your home.
- Email updates letting you know how your fox is doing.
- Monthly tag on social media.
Fox Supporter - $25/Month
25$Every monthYou will be helping to support their daily needs (raw meat, fruits, kibble & treats), and more. To cancel a sponsorship please contact us at (440) 773-4567 orÂ- A photo of your choice of fox.
- Email updates letting you know how your support is helping.
- Monthly social media tag to recognize and thank you!
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